About Us
Amytis Tejarat Arman (ATA) Engineering Co. (Ltd) with the aim of providing Mineral Processing Engineering services and execution of projects including laboratory technological tests, pilot plant tests, process plant audition, troubleshooting, production and performance improvement, basic and detail design engineering, consulting, supervision, management and design and construction contractor, by a group of experienced engineer groups. This company registered in Iran.
Our specialty mineral processing industries are included gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc and iron beneficiation.
Based on more than 20 years’ experiences of our engineering team, in the gold heap, agitation leaching and flotation plants, we have this capability to do technological tests, Basic design, detail design, installation supervision, commissioning and operation modification of gold plants.
Some of our most important experiences are as follow:
– Started working in the design, construction and operation of a 200 ton pilot per day in Zarshuran gold plant, including peroxidation and leaching during 2001 – 2005
– Presence in Aqh-Dareh agitation gold leaching plant as research and supervision of modification team in 2005
– Participated in the installation and operation of heap leaching and SART gold project of Gedabek mine in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009
– Participated in the detailed design engineering team, supervising the installation and commissioning of the Gedabek gold, silver and copper agitation leaching plant in 2013
– Full-time presence and direct contract with Azerbaijan International Mining Company (AIMC) and responsibility for metallurgy in all plants including heap leaching, SART and ADR, agitation leaching, and Responsible for Flotation plant of Gold, silver and copper from 2015 to 2019
– at present, consulting contracts have been signed with several reputable gold production companies in operation, as well as consulting in performing technological tests and performing basic and detailed engineering with several companies.
– If you are facing the problems such as pyrite, copper, mercury, sulfide minerals and carline type in your gold mine, Ata company has experts with sufficient experience in this field, who will solve these issues well, and Solve in the best and minimum possible cost.
Attending various stages of valid projects inside and outside the country in the form of feasibility studies, technological laboratory tests, conceptual and basic design, detailed design, implementation in the form of EPC, contract management, consulting and supervision of engineering and implementation of projects Numerous minerals by the partners of this company in many years have caused this company to provide the following services:
– Design and engineering of various mineral processing projects
– Consulting and supervising the performance of engineering activities, purchase, construction, installation and operation
– Training of personnel in various fields of operation, repairs and industrial laboratories
– Technological tests for basic engineering
– Setting up and supervising the operation of existing processing plants
– Troubleshooting the plants and increasing the capacity and performance of existing mineral processing plants
– Carrying out research work in the form of laboratory projects
– Project management and control services
– feasibility Study
– commissioning and operation supervision